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Hong Kong

Plans and Pricing


Essential Incorporation

US$ 1,100
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Application filing with Companies Registry
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • One set of digital corporate documents

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • Registered agent & local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Significant Controller Register
  • Automatic reminders on filing deadlines
  • Processing time in 7 business days


Urgent, Fast-turnaround time

US$ 2,400
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Application filing with Companies Registry
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • One set of digital corporate documents

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • Registered agent & local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Significant Controller Register
  • Automatic reminders on filing deadlines

3. Others

  • Two banks application attempts
  • Expedited filing services
  • Processing time in 2-3 business days
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours


Premium Plus

Revolutionize Your Finances

US$ 2,700
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Application filing with Companies Registry
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • One set of digital corporate documents

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • Registered agent & local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Significant Controller Register
  • Automatic reminders on filing deadlines

3. Others

  • UNLIMITED attempts on all banking options (up to 3 successful bank accounts)*
  • Unlimited number of company changes
  • Expedited filing services
  • Processing time in only 24 hours
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours


* You can experience our unlimited bank options until:

  • Having 3 successful digital bank accounts.
  • Or having 1 successful traditional bank account and 2 successful digital accounts.

Standard Package

Essential Renewal

US$ 1,100
Get started
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • Corporate secretary and local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Significant Controller Register
  • Automatic reminders on filing deadlines


Premium Package

Urgent, Fast-turnaround time

US$ 1,300
Get started
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • Corporate secretary and local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Significant Controller Register
  • Automatic reminders on filing deadlines
  • Mail forwarding services in 01 year
  • Unlimited number of company changes
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours


Traditional Banks

US$ 799
Get started
  • Consult appropriate banking options
  • Instruct to prepare KYC documents
  • Provide guidelines to increase the success rate
  • Do due diligence check
  • Submit the application to the bank
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours
  • Liaise with the banks for any additional requirements

Electronic Money Institution

US$ 599
Get started
  • Consult appropriate banking options
  • Instruct to prepare KYC documents
  • Provide guidelines to increase the success rate
  • Do due diligence check
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours


  • Our banking support service is applied for 1 bank at 1 time. 
  • The final decision is at the bank's discretion, upon checking your business profile and supporting documents. 
  • Additional fee for notarization may incur if the application is approved which mainly depends on the bank you choose. 

Try Us

Under 40 transactions per month

For Start-ups

US$ 300/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   

From 41 to 70 transactions per month

For S&M Businesses

US$ 500/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   

From 71 to 100 transactions per month

For Large Businesses

US$ 700/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   

Try Us

Yearly revenue under HK$ 1,000,000

Start from

US$ 1,800/yr
Get started
  • Financial reports
  • Tax filing service
  • Auditing service

Yearly revenue over HK$ 1,000,000

Start from

US$ 2,500/yr
Get started
  • Financial reports
  • Tax filing service
  • Auditing service


Each Private Limited Company in Hong Kong must file the employer's return annually. If no reportable salaries, the fee is US$ 200/per employee which is not included in the accounting & auditing services mentioned above. 


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