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Set up your business in over +10 countries and receive consultations from our local experts.


Plans and Pricing


Essential Incorporation

US$ 2,600
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Incorporation application & filing
  • One year of Government fee
  • One set of digital corporate documents
  • Local nominee director in 1 year* (Mandatory)

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • One year of Corporate secretary service
  • One year of registered agent & local address
  • Timely reminder on filing deadlines
  • AGM preparation
  • Processing time in 7 business days


Urgent, Fast-turnaround time

US$ 3,700
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Incorporation application & filing
  • One year of Government fee
  • One set of digital corporate documents
  • Local nominee director in 1 year* (Mandatory)

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • One year of Corporate secretary service
  • One year of registered agent & local address
  • Timely reminder on filing deadlines
  • AGM preparation

3. Others

  • Two banks application attempts
  • Expedited filing service
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours
  • Processing time in only 2-3 business days


Premium Plus

Revolutionize Your Finances

US$ 4,000
Get started

1. Essential Incorporation

  • Unlimited company name check
  • Incorporation application & filing
  • One year of Government fee
  • One set of digital corporate documents
  • Local nominee director in 1 year*  (Mandatory)

2. Corporate Secretary & Address

  • One year of Corporate secretary service
  • One year of registered agent & local address
  • Timely reminder on filing deadlines
  • AGM preparation

3. Others

  • UNLIMITED attempts on all banking options (up to 3 successful bank accounts)**
  • Expedited filing service
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours
  • Processing time in only 24 hours
  • Mail forwarding services in 01 year
  • Unlimited number of company changes


  1. We won't collect the deposit fee like other providers but we need collect both company formation fee and accounting fee (start from US$ 1,500) at the beginning to protect the local Nominee director's benefit and transparency.
  2. In Singapore, it's mandatory to appoint a local director. If you do not already have the local Singapore director, you can use our Nominee service. Our local Singapore nominee fee is USD 2,000 (already included in the above fee mentioned). 
  3. You can experience our unlimited bank options until:

    - Having 3 successful digital bank accounts.
    - Or having 1 successful traditional bank account and 2 successful digital accounts.


Essential Renewal

US$ 2,600
Get started
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • A local nominee director in 01 year
  • Corporate secretary and local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Automatic reminders and AGM preparation



Urgent, Fast-turnaround time

US$ 2,800
Get started
  • Government fee in 01 year
  • A local nominee director in 01 year
  • Corporate secretary and local address in 01 year
  • Company secretary services in 01 year
  • Automatic reminders and AGM preparation
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours
  • Mail forwarding services in 01 year
  • Unlimited number of company changes


Traditional Banks

US$ 799
Get started
  • Consult appropriate banking options
  • Instruct to prepare KYC documents
  • Provide guidelines to increase the success rate
  • Do due diligence check
  • Submit the application to the bank
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours
  • Liaise with the banks for any additional requirements

Electronic Money Institution

US$ 599
Get started
  • Consult appropriate banking options
  • Instruct to prepare KYC documents
  • Provide guidelines to increase the success rate
  • Do due diligence check
  • Dedicated customer support within 24 hours


  • Our banking support service is applied for 1 bank at 1 time. 
  • The final decision is at the bank's discretion, upon checking your business profile and supporting documents. 
  • Additional fee for notarization may incur if the application is approved which mainly depends on the bank you choose. 

Try Us

Under 40 transactions per month

For Start-ups

US$ 300/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   

From 41 to 70 transactions per month

For S&M Businesses

US$ 500/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   

From 71 to 100 transactions per month

For Large Businesses

US$ 700/yr
Get started
    • Daily bookkeeping with cloud -based accounting software (Xero)
    • Monthly Management Reports
    • Preparation of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger
    • Account Payables, Account Receivables Summary & Schedules   


The bookkeeping fee mentioned above excludes:

  • Revenue limit achieved: Difference to the next higher Bookkeeping Package is chargeable once limit is reached
  • Multi-currency account: Additional $200/year (Applicable when you have two bank accounts with different currencies and/or receive funds or issue sales invoices in different currencies)
  • Corporate shareholder or negative net assets/equity: Full XBRL is required [assets and revenue >SGD$500,000]
  • Negative net assets/equity: XBRL Simplified is required [assets and revenue <SGD$500,000]
Try Us

Yearly revenue under S$120K

US$ 1,500/yr
Get started
  • Inclusive bookkeeping service
  • Corppass registration & annual return filing
  • Estimated Chargeable Tax Income (ECI) filing
  • Comprehensive unaudited financial statements
  • Corporate tax filing (Form C/S) & Tax computation

Yearly revenue from S$120K - S$300K

US$ 1,900/yr
Get started
  • Inclusive bookkeeping service
  • Corppass registration & annual return filing
  • Estimated Chargeable Tax Income (ECI) filing
  • Comprehensive unaudited financial statements
  • Corporate tax filing (Form C/S) & Tax computation

Yearly revenue from S$300K - S$600K

US$ 2,650/yr
Get started
  • Inclusive bookkeeping service
  • Corppass registration & annual return filing
  • Estimated Chargeable Tax Income (ECI) filing
  • Comprehensive unaudited financial statements
  • Corporate tax filing (Form C/S) & Tax computation

Yearly revenue under S$600K - S$1,2M

US$ 3,150/yr
Get started
  • Inclusive bookkeeping service
  • Corppass registration & annual return filing
  • Estimated Chargeable Tax Income (ECI) filing
  • Comprehensive unaudited financial statements
  • Corporate tax filing (Form C/S) & Tax computation


Speak with our Experts

You can talk to a customer support representative or send us an email to one of the following addresses. We will respond to your request at earliest time possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions


- For bookkeeping service or customized plan detailed price. Please contact us.


- Please read our Cancellation and Refund Policy


- Because some countries do not require audits. However, some countries require you to preserve accounting records for 5 to 7 years. It is worth noting that laws alter with time. Please see the News Update section above or connect with us right away for personalized assistance.


- Yes, it will be determined on a case-by-case basis. To receive the best deal, contact us as soon as possible.

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